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Ignore Naysayers — Any time you prepare to take a leap, there are going to be a lot of people who tell you that you can’t, or shouldn’t, or won’t. Sometimes they’ll be right, but in the legal profession saying “no” is the rule. Be incredulous. Ask why not. Oftentimes the doubts are based on indigestion more than some actual problem. Criticism has its place, but scrutinize it before you accept it.
The firm uses a programme it built in-house to help clients schedule meetings with lawyers and automatically respond to emails with frequently asked questions such as pricing. Now Shahrestani is more interested in hiring a computer programmer to expand and maintain his system.
“Technology law is about as exciting as it gets in the practice of law,” Shahrestani said. “Technology is advancing at a crazy rate. If there was ever a time to pick a legal industry knowing you’re going to have the best possible outcome for your career, it’s now, and it’s technology.”
“Technology can automate various functions. Whether that’s client intake or document drafting and that lets you spend less time on each case and more time serving more people,” Shahrestani said.
″(We) were disappointed that all discussion of public release, even release to parents of minor children or people directly involved in an event, was pushed to another meeting,” said Alex Shahrestani with EFF-Austin in a statement. “We have been very clear that accountability hinges on clear policies for public release.”